Pathogenic germline variants in the PIGT gene are associated with the “multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seizures syndrome 3” (MCAHS3) phenotype. So far, fifty patients have been reported, most of whom suffer from intractable epilepsy. Recently, a comprehensive analysis of a cohort of 26 patients with PIGT variants has broadened the phenotypical spectrum and indicated that both p.Asn527Ser and p.Val528Met are associated with a milder epilepsy phenotype and less severe outcomes. Since all reported patients are of Caucasian/Polish origin and most harbor the same variant (p.Val528Met), the ability to draw definitive conclusions regarding the genotype-phenotype correlation remains limited. We report a new case with a homozygous variant p.Arg507Trp in the PIGT gene, detected on clinical exome sequencing.